Rückschlagklappen, Rückschlagventile by Cimberio S.p.A Made in Italy | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik

Product range

SferaTec Your manufacturer & supplier of high quality industrial valves

Our products set the standard for quality, reliability and efficiency. 

From robust particle separators and precise fittings to high performance stations, we deliver customised system solutions that not only meet your requirements, but exceed them. 

Rely on SferaTec for innovative building and industrial technology that sets new standards.


Precise, reliable and high-quality valves are our trademark. We offer a wide range of fittings made of brass (also lead-free), gunmetal and stainless steel that meet the highest quality standards.

Kugelhähne, Pressfittingkugelhähne, Mini Kugelhähne, bleifrei Messing | SferaTec

Heat source accessories

Optimise your heating technology with our high-quality accessories. From mixers to plate heat exchangers, we offer components to make your heat generation more efficient.

Flansch Kugelhahn, Solar Entlüfter, Solar Pumpe | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik


Our threaded fittings and screw connections offer reliable connections that meet the highest demands. Durability and robustness are our top priority.

Fittings, Verschraubungen, Überwurfmutter Messing | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik

Pump groups

Our pump groups and fresh water stations ensure efficient water distribution. Reliable technology for a smooth supply.

Pumpengruppe, hydraulische Einheit, Stellantrieb, Mischer, Pumpe | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik

Expansion vessels

Stabilise your water system with our quality-tested diaphragm expansion vessels. Robust designs ensure safe and efficient operation.

Produktion Tanks Ausdehnungsgefäße | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik

PE Tanks

Our polyethylene tanks provide safe and practical solutions for the storage of a wide range of liquids. With high quality and environmental compatibility, we focus on sustainability.

Kunststoff Tanks, Regenwasser Tanks made by Elbi Italy | SferaTec Gebäudetechnik
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